September 19, 2022
Autumn changes, etc..
Getting ready for the busiest time of the year...
I just had a fantastic business trip to Italy and I feel like I have the best job ever. I get to go shopping 🛍 and spend ££ on clothes! But believe me it’s not always easy, it’s often overwhelming and even after nearly 6 years in business I still have massive panic attacks about not buying things that you will like. The last few years have been a roller coaster for everyone, and in such an unstable world Solo Mia managed to flourish and grow 🙌🏻
But the world is still very wobbly and with so many changes happening it’s hard to know what this season will bring.
I’m trying to stay positive and ride this wave 🌊 of uncertainty, I have just bought lots of exciting things and I really hope you will love ❤️ the new collection!!

To add more to the changes, Rebecca (my daughter) has just left to go to uni, and if you thought potty training your kids was hard ,this stage it's a different kind of scary. I feel like everything I have done with her for the past 18 years has now been put to the test!!
You might know that Rebecca was the voice behind the camera on my Facebook lives for the past 2 and half years. We had so much fun and despite her attitude I will miss her terribly. Our Market Nights lives will carry on every Tuesday evening, and you will have the pleasure of meeting many of my girl friends who have kindly agreed to help out.
So all in all I hope this blog wasn't too depressing!! I like to share with you my business journey, which inevitably ends up being mixed up with my personal life.
Bring on the autumn season, we are super ready with lots of amazing new jumpers and scarves to keep you warm (and keep the thermostat low!!).
Erika x